mountainview montessori school

Opening Soon

Agoura Hills

Why Choose Our Montessori?

Discover why our Montessori makes a difference in your child's life...


Why Choose Mountainview Montessori?

Mountainview Montessori is committed to providing the highest quality learning environment for children. We have implemented a “prepared environment” here at Mountainview Montessori for all the children to have an opportunity to be successful and exceed their fullest potential.


What Is The Montessori Method?

The Montessori Method was developed in the 1900´s by Dr. Maria Montessori. She based her method on the premise that each child is born with a natural curiosity for life and its surroundings. The goal is to motivate and stimulate a child´s natural desire to learn.


We Create Successful Adults, One Child at a Time

We create an environment for children to grow, develop, and apply their learnings to everyday life. From problem solving, to taking the initiative, we make sure we nurture children every step of the way. We are positive that we will make a difference to benefit your child.

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